Photos of RPG 2017
RPG 2017 was successfully held on 19&20 October, with more than 330 delegates on site and 300+ paper accecepted finally.
Welcome session host - Prof. Kai YANG, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China
Opening address from Mr. Ian Mercer, the Head of International Operations, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK
Plenary keynote speech from IET President Mr. Nick Winser
Title of speech: Meeting Britain’s Future Power System Challenges
Conference Co-Chair & Session Host: Dr. David Infield, University of Strathclyde, UK
Keynote speech from Dr. Yuanzhang SUN, Wuhan University, China
Title of speech: Stohastic optimization theory and method for power system economic dispatch considering wind farm integration
Keynote speech from Dr. Peter Tavner from Durham University, UK
Title of speech: Current World Technical & Investment Prospects for Offshore Renewable Energy, Wind, Wave & Tidal
Keynote speech from Dr. Ping JU, Hohai University, China
Title of speech: Stochastic Dynamics of Power System
Keynote speech from Mr. Jason M. MacDowell, Industry and Policy of GE Energy Connections, USA
Title of speech: Advanced Technology and Methods that allow High Penetration of Renewable Energy
Keynote speech from Dr. Hongbin SUN, Tsinghua University, China
Title of speech: Energy internet with its recent developments
Keynote speech from Dr. Stephan Barth, Managing Director of ForWind, Germany
Title of speech: From Turbulence to Torque – Why Wind Energy Needs Pre-competitive Research and Large Research Infrastructures
Oral Presentation & Poster Display
Conference Best Paper Award - 3rd Prize
Conference Best Paper Award - 2nd Prize
Conference Best Paper Award - 1st Prize